LCN Toenail Reconstruction.

At SoleAmbition every toenail is assessed to determine the best course of action, and to determine how many of your toenails need reconstruction.
On your arrival I will gather some details and I’ll assess your toes. After this I will talk you through what will happen and begin. The treatment typically lasts between 30 and 45 minutes.
LCN Wilde-Pedique Silver Plus is especially designed for toenails due to its high occlusion ability and its flexibility; it contains an antifungal agent and is ideal for cosmetically treating fungal, damaged and unsightly nails. Available in 6 colours, you can build a very natural looking nail. You will be amazed at how great your nails look when you have them reconstructed.
The estimated length of time they are expected to stay on is anywhere between 4 weeks and 8 weeks, this depends on how careful you are how much time your spending in water and doing other activities. I have had clients report back they have lasted 10 weeks and still going strong. If there isn’t much nail to attach to this is when extra care is needed. If you have any issue with the nails and it pops off you can reattach with false nail glue.
The nail is reduced down cleaned and the first layer is applied. Typically nails need 2 layers this will give a smooth finish and cover up any indescrepencies.

This has been a very popular service since it was introduced as a service with both men and women. This can be used to cover unsightly nails and treated over the top of fungal nails, it seals in infection and still allows you to treat the infection with topical treatments. The reconstructed nail cannot be removed, it simply grows off the end of the nail, or gets infilled with more gel as it grows.